Signs to help you out!


First picture:  You would start getting angry because it is graffiti.  Then you read it and it says “Not A GanG Just Graffiti!” then you feel better.  Who really cares that they vandalized the building and it looks bad? (This was on the thrift store building when I gave them my never used 10 year old assembled grill that I must have moved 8 times.)

Second picture:  I really like the colorful vacuum hoses that I purchased from Erie Brush.  So do the grasshoppers.

Third picture:  I has driving to my car wash and noticed this sign.  So, if anyone needs a gas stove give them a call.

Update: Full service? 9th Avenue

I was driving past this full service wash and noticed they updated their sign.  Not really sure what the December 27, 2006 date is for.  The sign also seems more confusing?  The original post is here:


This is the entrence of the wash.  I guess when the place is open they move the truck?


This is what you see before you enter the “tunnel of doom”.


If you make it out of the tunnel this is their road sign.


These pictures were taken with my iphone not a Holga (sorry for the extremely bad photography joke).  The iphone can take good pictures then terrible pictures.

$6,192.00 water bill!


The Birmingham Water Works messed up on my bill and about 15,000 others.  But it was kind of shocking when you open the mail and the bill is $6,192 instead of around $100.  The billing date was 05-19-1920 and the due date was 06-02-1920.  This event made the news and the official said “it was a computer problem”.  Really?  I thought they were hand written.

Craftsman table saw


I think that this Craftsman table saw is a piece of crap, model number 137.218240.  The motor can pull wood chips into the table saw motor, seems like a bad design.  But that was not the problem.


I decided to check the power switch.  When I opened the switch cover it had sawdust in it.  The last picture shows sawdust in the wire terminals.  I took them all off and cleaned it out than everything was fine.  Terribly bad design.

How to spot Rowe counterfeit parts?


One of the reps in the Rowe International booth, at the ICA Meeting, told me this tip.  Not really sure if it is true, but I guess I need to find a new service tech.  The belts on the underside of the BA50 bill acceptor should be green.  If the belts are black that means that the belts are not Rowe belts.  It sounds good because I have some with black and some with green.