Honda Fit beats Chevy Vet in a street race?

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Now, my little fit can’t lift as much as this yellow work device (right picture) but my work car did fit a 24 foot ladder on top.  (My dad’s Vet can’t do that).

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Also, while on the roof of my Dad’s car wash I noticed where all the stolen cones go (right picture, blue cone).

Twice the Ice / Same old problem?

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I was at the local Raceway that has a Twice the Ice within walking distance. I saw 2 people purchase ice from Raceway while no one was at the Ice Hut. I guess everone has the same problem when it comes to customers… price is not always the only factor?

Can you believe it?

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Can you believe that all our dogs got published in the Birmingham News Pets section on July 20, 2008?  But now that Rocco, Lola and Pepsi are all famous, they don’t want to make direct eye contact.  The second picture shows how you have to plead with them just to look at you.  I think that all the attention and popularity is going to their heads.