Nothing exciting today


Nothing exciting today at the car wash but my sister sent in a story and a photo that I thought was interesting.

The first picture demonstrates why you need a safety lock for your windows in your car.  Anderson (my nephew) rolled down his window while the triple foam was going off in a carwash, getting triple foam all over himself.

The second picture is Wilson (another nephew) with a new hair cut.  My sister let him get a Mohawk and he loves it.  He looks super cool.

Water Wizard Preparation – Low Pressure hose install


Lengthened all the hoses to the Water Wizard unit today.  We still have the rail heat, air line and high pressure hoses to go.  Then I need to connect the soft water, city water, ro water, check the electrical, make sure the phone line works (which it does not), and get service for accepting credit cards.  I also need the final building inspection.  Also, in general, just see if the equipment still works after being transported and stored for such a long time.

As for the phone line I called yesterday about the line and they said it worked.  So I plugged a phone into the phone box attached to the building and I did not get a dial tone.  I assume this should work?  But the person I was talking to could not answer this technical question.  I did learn this though: when calling the phone company, “you should know your phone number”.  I guess everyone gives me a hard time?