Sometimes I wish I lived next to my carwashes and not so far away. Then I could go visit my carwashes a couple times a day. But then maybe I would check the carwashes too many times a day! What would happen if I started obsessively checking the carwash at all hours of the day and night? Maybe I should live farther away from my carwashes…
Rainy Nasty Day
Have You Ever Wanted to Purchase a Titan 1 Missile Site?
Check out all this crazy crap this web site is selling as homes…. A Titan 1 missile site with 45,000 sq ft underground floor space. They are also selling Atlas E sites and communication bunkers. Just one question: can your house survive a direct hit by a nuclear weapon?
Birmingham INTERNATIONAL Car Show!
I went to the Birmingham International Car Show and all I saw was a 1985 Buick Riviera. The show was a lot smaller than last year and had a lot of used cars, but it was still good.
I think I liked the Nissan Nismo 370Z the best, but my shoulder are still too wide to drive the car. The Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 is a little out of my price range at $121,980. But I do love the 1957 Buick (last picture). Who knows what they wanted for that.
The award for “what is this under the hood” goes to Mazda’s Mazdaspeed 3. How do you change the air filter?
I liked this truck/box thing that Ford will be/is selling. It would be great for the carwash or any traveling business.
But my favorite vehicle was this Ford truck.
Hurricane Ida Hit Birmingham!
It rained all day! So nothing happened at the carwash and I did not open the Hamilton ACW-5 entry unit to repair it in the rain.
Stocked My Vendor
Changed Dumpster Companies
H1N1 Swine Flu
I got my swine flu shot free from the government today! Nothing else happened today at the carwash or anywhere else. I even forgot to take a picture!