Picked up my Dad’s broken air compressor today. I was going to try and steal some parts from it.
Metro Wash Express rehab
Metro Wash Express rehab
Looks like they were putting in windows today.
Coleman equipment coming home
How many people get to bring all there self serve equipment home? Well, we used my Dad's jack to jack up the front and put cheap rollers under them. Then William and I picked up the back and slid rollers underneath.
Mat clamps
Six mat clamps.
Used equipment
Fixed the changer opening also brought home more junk.
Speaking of junk I mean good stuff these coin acceptors are perfect. There can not feasibly be a coin jam. I want to replace my coin acceptors.
Moved equipment today
Moved the Coleman equipment and made it ready for removal.
Grates actually fit
Grates from the used equipment wash actually fit at Wylam
Used equipment
More stuff from the wash. I took down all the booms, grates and other garbage.
House water line broke
Talking about crappy workmanship. DHR our builder ran copper about 4" – 5" instead of all the way to the road (it should be 4 – 6 feet from the house). Apparently that is the new way to crap out houses these days. The plumber said on new construction with fill dirt it could last one to six month to 5 years. They should just run copper though.