Nu-wall on concrete
Do you have junk?
Sandpiper pump pieces needed
This is the piece that was leaking the other day. Everything looks fine but I wonder if I can add an "O" ring like Randy suggested. (Forum post)
Also, I needed these pieces for another pump. I lost the ball and the joint leaked.
Found someones crap at my car wash
Dema Model 561 and Little giant pump
Coleman equipment
Holding tanks
Pit shovel
Grabage truck damage
Weird chemical leak problem – Solved?
I think I figured out what my problem is. The picture to the left is the outlet hose from my flojet that is about twice the size it should be. Apparently, I should use breaded hose and the pressure regulator on the air compressor is set to high. The right picture it not as severe a case but the pump has a regulator on it.
I talked to Greg about my pressure problem which is set at 95 psi and he said it should be set at 85 psi.