The far left green heatsink is the factory one. The orange one is a Thermaltake larger heatsink. My new Thermaltake Sonic Tower is very large. Bigger is better, well I am not sure about that. It barely fit in the case. But I love it because there is no fan. My system is so quiet now.
Simoniz Tire Shine Applicator problem?
Chemical guy
Rowe changers actually working
Keithâ„¢s Ace Hardware – update
Do you keep the sign?
Gas prices
ZOOM Express Car Wash
Simoniz Tire Shine Applicator problem?
Hyper concentrate triple foam
I ran out of foam brush and high pressure soap. I stole a bucket of hyper concentrate triple foam for my foam brush and had it way to strong (tan tip). It sure was pretty though, looks like a chemical ad. I ended up using the triple foam for high pressure soap and used a purple tip. It looks really nice but no smell. I could probably go down a tip to pink.