19th Street base of the sign construction.
Dog problems
Just when I got home today Lola, our french bull dog, decides to throw up for the 14th time. This time with blood in it. Which is great because we had to go to the vet. Also, my wife's parents were at the house. Maybe going to the vet was not that bad after all. Everything was fine with the dog though.
Bad sign
Sonny’s wheel spinners
Today, I cleaned my wife's car. It had very dirty rims. Greg thinks that the wheel spinners are not adjusted correctly. Which makes sense because of the pattern on the rims. Even though the rims are not fully clean the wheel spinners must not be hitting the full rim.
Sonny's wheel spinners
Left is driver side and right is passenger side
Passenger side
Left image rear tire , right image front tire.
Drivers side
Left image rear tire, right image front tire.