Will I ever get more then $1.50 from this guy?


Is it even possible to get two cycles from a bucket washer?  You can watch and I have a few customers that bring there own water.  Why?  How can you get them to give you more money? 

I also have the two cycle people that fill there buckets in the bay.  Then the question is why do they not use mega time for $4.00.  Why is saving a $1 and bucket washing okay?

I just do not understand and I do not think price matters.  It is just waisting money.

Entry Wizard 2.0 sticker problem update


Credit card sticker problem.  The left image is what the unit was shipped with.  Which is totally wrong.  The right image is how Greg fixed the problem with the sticker they sent to replace it.  Now it looks like it takes two hands to insert the credit card.  A lot better then before.