The same black crap that was in the pump supply hose, must have got into the check valve and now it decided to jam it up. Now I need to get a new check valve.
I was wondering why my equipment floor was wet and now I figured it out! When the weep system would turn on there would be a leak: the check valve was cracked.
I installed a new carpet cleaner brush on my Jim Coleman vacuum today. It was really easier then I thought it would be. I am not sure what I expected though?
Why when one of my bays breaks down the bay always steals $5.00? Do you really need to put in more then $4.00 all at once if you get 20 minutes? I will never understand this.
I had another problem that I have never had before today. One of my relays went out in my meter boxes! 110 goes in and nothing goes out. I actually had an extra relay, so that was good.