Replace pvc and mount on wall: completed wax

Had all the pieces I needed today.  So I mounted the pvc to the tank.  Also, I folded and tie wrapped the ends of the hose so I could do each bay one at a time.

Pretty blue wax.  It might be a little to strong.

I installed all the hoses and everything actually worked the first time.  Also, install the screen on the correct hole and plugged the old chemical line.

The last thing I did today was mount the soap line and all the pvc hoses.  Tomorrow, I will need to mount the hoses to the solenoids and attach the pvc to the tank.

Replace pvc and mount on wall

Well, the plan is to mount the pvc that gravity feeds the chemical and water to the wall.  Today, I started the project with constructing the wax and soap lines.

This consisted of:  1)  8 x 19 1/2" long 3/4" pvc lines,  2)  2 x 5" long 3/4" pvc lines,  3)  10 x 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" elbows 1/2" threaded,  4)  10 x 3/8" x 1/2" nylon barbs,  5)  10 x 3/8" x 1/4" nylon barbs,  6)  6 x 3/4" medal clamps,  7)  4 x 3/4" elbows,  8 )  7 x 3/8" I.D. clear vinyl tubing,  9)  misc. pieces of pvc to connect to the tank,  10)  2 x 3/4" pvc caps,  11)  2 x 1/2" male x 3/4" slip end piece

New equipment idea – Hydrominder problem

I stole a plastic hydrominder valve off of my Coleman equipment in the basement.  Then I was piecing together the hydrominder.  The eductor was just shooting out a very fine stream.  So I had to remove a water flow reducer.

Then I could not get the float assembly to work.  So I just replaced the float hanger.

Then everything worked fine.  I have now complete the tank conversion and pump install.  I think.

New equipment idea – mounted and tested pumps

I mounted and tested all the pumps today (Aro and Sandpiper pumps).  Connected all the hoses to the holding tanks.  Everything worked great.

Also, I cut down a hydrominder bracket to fit in the holding tank.  I will need to purchase another valve kit for this hydrominder.

I have almost completed my goal for the holding tank.