Hydrominder problem – Again


This is always bad to see chemical and water running out of the equipment room.  Greg called for his brother, who drove by my wash to notice my problem.  It seems to always happen just when I get home.


One good thing was that it cleaned up its own mess by running water to remove the chemical.


The very bad news was I just put a new tire cleaner chemical bucket on-line.  It drank the whole thing.  Which is bad. 

Wylam meter door


This is a picture of my meter door that has been broken into twice in a week. 


Also, I included a picture of my National Pride Big Bruisers that are in the equipment room.

Roof-Mounted attic fan – Stats


Today, I checked the fans effectiveness 86.4 in the equipment room and 104.7 outside.  That is pretty good it is still hot and the ac is at 78.  The humidity was 59% in the equipment room and 26% outside.  I think the problem with the humidity is the floor is still wet from the ro tank move.

Sandpiper pump problem


I was having a problem with my sandpiper pump again. This time the hydrominder got stuck and the chemical tank was empty. The pump was getting to much air in the intake line and was trying to prime. I had to take the outlet hose off and everything worked fine again. I have a video of what the pump was doing.


RO tank overflow – fixed?


I moved the float down in the tank.  It should work fine now. 


Full chemical bucket.  The only thing I can think of is when the RO tank over flew.  It decided to fill up my high pressure soap bucket.  So now I have a full bucket again.  Yea.

RO tank overflow


The tank overflowed last night.  I am going to wait and adjust the float tomorrow when the water goes down.  I also dumped a glass of tea in the tank.  Woops.  I was totally stupid.