I believe that when water shoots out of the regulator that means it is broken?
Multistage Pump Porn
High Pressure Hose Problem
Installing a New Marathon Electric Motor – Part 2
Installing a New Marathon Electric Motor
Can you believe I own part number: SMC KQ2U01-35S!
Garbage Pickup Time
Paw’N Knaw’n DEER Lick’n GOOD!
Paint Lady
I would never believe I would feel sorry for someone that filled up 2 garbage cans full of paint cans and made a huge mess in my bay. But it happened to me.
I pulled up to see a lady cleaning out the back of her truck. I walk over and there is paint all over her and all over her truck. She said she was done cleaning up her truck and she was going to clean up the bay now. I told her not to worry about it because I though she would just make it worse. She wanted to clean out the paint cans with the high pressure gun in the back of her truck and did not realize how high the pressure was so when she pulled the trigger paint went absoutely everywhere.