I received my first toilet today.
Rogers septic tank guy
My Dad went to the washes for me today. I was feeling very bad. He also handled the Rogers septic tank people. Which is good because I would have had to rescheduled.
Random item
An easter basket. Seems very random to have in your car to throw on the ground.
Vacuum cleanup
Cleaned out all three vacs. It was a lot of fun.
Vacuum problems
Three vac problems in one week. People sucking up stuff and wanting it back.
1) Some guy called me and said he sucked up his keys two weeks earlier. He was not really sure which vac and he wanted me to look for them. (Hueytown)
2) A lady sucked up her dentures. She for some reason wanted them back. Maybe to eat. (9th Avenue)
3) A guy sucked up a $20 bill and I guess wanted it back. I looked and good luck finding it. (Allison Bonnett)
Garbage time
Tons of garbage. At least someone was here it was overcast. Hopefully they gave me some money and now just clothing and rims.
Potty time
Apparently this is a popular location. This is the second time no toilet paper this time.
Tool box
My buddy A Wayne left me a tool box. Thanks
Yummy Claxton Fruit Cake
Pit problem
Another pit full.