Awesome Orange All Purpose Degreaser


I purchase this bottle of Awesome Orange All Purpose Degreaser from the Dollar store.  I purchase it to put brake fluid in, so I could spray it on my graffiti problems.  I decided to just dump the Awesome on one of my frp boards.  I waited about one hour and then sprayed it off.  It did an awesome job.  My walls are embarrassingly bad.  But I am very impressed and I think it worked great.  I need to purchase more Awesome, it should be awesome, to use Awesome, it should clean my walls awesomely.

Why is it that every time I go to the Dollar store someone asks:  How much is this product?  You always get the same answer.  I felt like answering for the employee.

Young D.P. is an ass


This is what he did yesterday.  I noticed the graffiti on the foam brush sign today.


I got the Wylam part mostly off today.  I found a brillo pad and used high pressure water.  There has got to be a better way to get paint off frp board.


This picture it what the high pressure water can get off.

D.P. is not very nice


I think that D.P. is trying to prove to everyone in Wylam that he can spell Wylam.  I just want to let D.P. know that I feel your pain.  I can not spell very well either.  (That is what spell check is for.)  Just next time please spray paint one of the 20 other abandoned buildings in town.

Maybe if I have thirty minutes tomorrow I can check the video and see what D.P. looks like.