$5 to clean out the vacuums?


I was cleaning out the vacuums today and this nice guy (he wants me to call him the “Can Man”) wanted to go through the vacuums.  I asked if he wanted to clean them out for me.  He said yes and I gave him $5.  He is a nice guy and he locked the vacuums back and left the shovel.  Well worth $5.

Homelite Electric Mover?


Well, it is that time of year again and my crappy lawn mower for the car washes is broken again.  I believe that the mower got wet or something and rusted the engine?  But, I am sick of gas mowers not working the next year so I purchased this Homelite electric mover.  It is a lot smaller then my nice gas mower and fits in my small trunk of my car really well.

The mower is quieter and really seems to be powerful.  At least as powerful as my crappy gas mower.  It is a 20 inch 12 amp system.  But the cord is going to take some time to get use to; it really was not as bad as I expected though.
My only problem is I am afraid I am becoming an environmentalist wacko.  I also was discussing making a compost heap for the house so I did not have to bag all my grass.  Then I started to research TerraPass and saw my friend Ed Begley, Jr.  Well, maybe not TerrPass, but it did made me happier when I realized my car emits 26,079 lbs of CO2 per year and I use 1,333 gallons of gas.

Super Handi-Clam fun


I thought I dug a lot of dirt out of the pit yesterday, guess not.  Well, I pumped out the water and dug out the pit for about half the day.  Which is always fun.  Then gave up.


The first picture is the entry drain to the pit.  The second picture is the exit drain for the pit.  The red arrows, I believe, show the progress I made today.  The blue arrow shows the exit drain.