Dumpster problem


I think the dumpster people threw away my lock and the bar for my dumpster.  But at least my front door to my house is not tagged with “DUB BOY”.  I did solve the crime though.  I checked out myspace.com and found Dub Boy (real name Tim Rayner he is in a band called “Ruffnek Diskotek”).  He must have flown over from the UK and tagged the house (which is right next to my car wash).  Or while on tour, Dub Boy got Birmingham Alabama mixed up with Birmingham UK.  Or it might be a different guy?

Pressure washing fun


I had to extend my pressure washer today to be able to reach the back curb.  It was fun like normal.  The second picture is the before picture the third is the finishing picture.  Yes I know I did not finish.

Custom Mimosa tree jewelry


New fund raiser for cwguy.com; custom Mimosa tree jewelry.  I have two styles:  “Starter chain” and “The Big Dawg” (I think that is how you spell dog cooler.)  They are made out of a Mimosa tree that I cut down on my lot and the actual yellow gold color rope chain I used to pull it down.  Look cool and recycle. (You can actually wear a tree, not just hug one!)  I can cut you a chain today!  Only $5 for the “Starter” and $6 for “The Big Dawg” plus shipping.  Operators are standing by and I could list them on ebay.com if the demand is too much for the operators.


Remember: Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.  (I had to say it, sorry.)