I hate boxes!


I really hate getting boxes in the trash.  This was not a bad case, but what normally happens is after someone puts a box in the garbage can everyone throws their garbage everywhere!



Looks like someone got a recliner and gave me the wrapper for it.  I also got a lot of coax cable.  Basically I just threw away a lot of crap today.

Lawn mower died!


I got up really early to cut the lawn at the car wash, so I would not catch on fire and the mower broke.  I think I will purchase a new mower tomorrow.

It is a Bolens MTD electric lawn mower.

Daniel Stewart call Margaret!


Daniel Stewart, if this message reaches you, call Margaret “no matter what time you get home” even if you get home late from finding garbage around town and selling it (like the 28 pounds of cans you got $8.90 for and the 9 pounds of wire you got $2.70 for).

Also, I figured out that these metal recycling centers like Exit 100 www.exit100.info do not accept stolen property!  It says so at the bottom of the receipt.  I wonder if they have my trash can lid?