The “Kitchen Sink” Vacuum Approach


FragraMatics “Kitchen Sink” vacuum.  This thing has everything!  Dollar bills, credit cards, vacuum, shampooer, fragrance everything!  Could you imagine untangling all this stuff everyday?

I love the way the FragraMatics vacuums looks, I think they look the best by far.  But they are really hard to work on compared to the  Jim Coleman vacuums.  But I could only imagine working on this bad boy.  My guess is everything is under the vacuum top!  🙂  (A little FragraMatics humor?)

Formal Complaint to the Peabody Orlando and Peabody Corporate!


I want to file a Formal Complaint to the Peabody Orlando and Peabody Corporate!  I find it appalling (appalling I say!) that I am forced to support a “greener world”!  If I wanted to be forced to purchase bottled water, I would want coal boiled water from the tap that was individually delivered via gas lawn mower to the Hotel.  I felt dirty drinking this green water stuff.