Erie brush vacuum hoses


I purchased this 50 foot long vacuum hose from Erie Brush at the ICA show.  I like the multi-colors and the inside wall is a lot smoother.  It will be interesting to see how well it last.

By the way, do you want to see the worst web site in the car wash industry?  Well check out Erie Brush’s site:  This web site makes me want to start web developing again and do pro bono work.

Rowe vs Standard changer

My Dad has a MC520RL-DA Standard changer and wanted to purchase another one, so we checked out their booth at the ICA show.  I was very impressed with how simple the changer is compared to my Rowe changer.  This is a comparison of my Rowe changer and a Standard changer.


I believe this is a Standard MC400RL (left picture) which is a little larger then my Rowe BC-200 (which I would swap out in a minute for).  The Standard changer is very simple looking, has metal coin hoppers, and uses a Mars or Pyramid bill acceptor.  The unit on the right is a MC535RL-CC with is more complicated looking but has a credit card acceptor and a bill acceptor.  Very organized looking and plenty of room in the units.


Now here is my Rowe BC-200 tank (actually works).  First picture is the changer without the stacker and bill acceptor.  The second picture is the stacker and bill acceptor.  The third picture is the CCC, while trying to fix any problem with a Rowe changer, the final solution is always replace the CCC.


This coin hopper has to win the most complicated hopper available.  Why not make the coin hopper consist of 2 parts?  One part (left) consists of a motor (red arrow) and a coin counter (top black thing).  Then on the other piece (right, coin hopper) why not have a bike chain with little knobs that snakes up the length of the hopper to spit out the quarter at the top?  You also need to clean this once a month or crap will clog up the chain.


Next, add the most complicated bill acceptor (BA-50 transport) that needs to be cleaned every week and sent in to get fixed every year (low volume location).  Rowe seems to be in the process of dropping this bill acceptor at this point, which I have to say is the best idea ever.  Maybe that’s why every other changer sells their unit with a Coinco, Mars, Pyramid, etc. option? 

To be honest I never have any problems out of the ccc and coin hopper, except the coin counter needs to be replaced on one of my units.  I do not use the bill stacker and I send my bill acceptor to get fixed every year.

NEW Rowe $5 upgrades


If the Rowe five dollar upgrade board was released and for sale, this is how you would change it out (like a how-to for a product that does not exist).  You first take out the CCC board from the Rowe changer.  (I lost this guys business card so unfortunately I can not give out his information.  I need to try and get this information from my dad.)  The first picture shows (red arrow) the board that will be replaced.  The second picture shows the board that you will get in the mail.  The distributor said that the kit will also come with 2 chips like the one next to his thumb.  He also said that the chip on your old board will be labeled and that type needs to be on your new board.  He is also pointing at the notch (third picture) that you have to line up with the notch on the ccc board.  Looks pretty easy and he said he will be selling them for around $66. 

Update:  I believe that I found his business card.  Jess Vasquez from Baca’s Changer Service & Sales Inc.

MEI credit card bill system – in use


IRS note:  Now the 10 Pepsi drinks I purchased from this Pepsi machine are all a tax deduction.  At only $3 a piece that is a large deduction.  They were actually a good deal because inside the ICA show they cost $3.25.

This is really an update of the previous post on the MEI credit card bill system.  The second picture shows the antena locating for the vending machine.  I really like this bill acceptor and if you watch the exciting video the first time I swipe my card it was not read (which was the only time that happened with my research) the credit card is in very poor condition.
