Hot water boiler quit working again. The intermittent pilot module just makes a clicking sound over and over. I need to replace the module. Need to check out Grainger. Honeywell 1885 Douglas Drive S86F Intermittent pilot, 100% shutoff, Natural gas only, 25v Grainger item# 5E758, Mfr# S8610U1003 : $96.70?
Hamilton changer problem
Rowe changer problem
Water Wizard problems
Removed vacuum
Tire cleaner refill
Quarter jam
Changed brakes
Water Wizard problems
Today, William fixed Water Wizard problems. He switched the eyes at Allison Bonnett so it would recognize when a car was present. Also, replaced the 19th street osculating motor.
It was a very rainy nasty day so it really did not matter that 19th street lost power.