Vacuum carpet cleaner refill
Boiler tempeture
I turned down the boiler temperature today from 120 to 100. I was debating on turning it off.
Boiler pump broken
I confirmed that the circulation pump for the boiler is broken now. Which is great.
Tom Brister’s wash
Greg, emailed these pictures of Tom Brister’s wash entry system.
Tip problem
The tip was clogged so I replaced it.
Abandoned car
Someone left there car. At least it was out of the way.
Hurst in the automatic
Everything worked okay except the boom did not come down in the back. Which is good.
Hydrominder problem
The float holder came partly off and the hydrominder did not allow water into the holding tank.
Boiler flow switch
Flow switch looks okay and worked when you touched it. Also, the pump sounded like it was working.