Cap for storage tank
Rumore™s rehab
Removed metering valves
I removed some metering valves and replaced with just push lock fittings.
Rained all day
Damaged vacuum. The garbage truck ran into it.
Rumore™s rehab
They tore down some of the siding today. Also, painted, cleaned out the pit and riped out the two bathrooms.
Bay problem
I unstopped the bay for the clean up guy.
Danger McDonald’s asbestos?
You could have worse problems with your business. The red tape saying “DANGER ASBESTOS” could not help business.
Do you want Street Credibility?
Only on one bay and taped on, which is good.
Rumore™s rehab
Greg sent me these pictures. They ripped down the bathroom wall, pressure washed the bay and started ripping down the pretty red shingles.