The plan is to build a rocket and claim once and for all the Earth is FLAT! Everyone knows Christopher Columbus actually flipped on the other side of the Earth! Or was that Magellan? BTW Did you know Magellan actually cheated back in the day? Magellan use to use a Magellan GPS! (Like this one Magellan GPS but not in color obviously! ) No JOKE they did not teach this in school! It is a huge round-Earth Freemasons conspiracy! MAN…. Dude…. Cat…. (Insert old person cool thing to say here.
) Also Spain launched the first GPS satellites in 15 something. (Well maybe they teach this in school now? LOL
) Well no needs to fact check me news media mensa’s or anyone that wants to put me on TV…. Because I am a limo driver and super smart like a mensa you know…. or I just want you to help me make some money.
Seriously…. Besides just making everyone feel like a mensa why was this reported on? To prove public education is bad? LOL Or to seriously help this guy make money? Makes you wonder how you can get free advertising doesn’t it?
But what was totally shocking was…. The information about Magellan obviously! I never knew he used a GPS on his ships! This article also proves they should work more on history in school! Elon Musk really? Musky did not invent anything new? I am 100% positive that stuff went down before battery car guy was born. But it is okay to hate him…. He acts weird watch anything he talks in.