Well…. I was debated on posting a blatant ad for Amazon…. But if you have not gone to amazon.com lately…. check out this. They have their new crappy 7″ Fire tablet for $50? What $50? I could find that much change in my vacuum! (If I wanted to search my vacuum garbage! LOL 🙂 ) It does have ads…. but…. did I already say they only want $50? LOL 🙂 (I think $15 more to get rid of the ads?)
Yes I purchased one…. also amazon.com has this new Amazon Underground app store thing…. it is awesome. Amazon Underground contains free apps…. well which are actually free? Also with no in game purchases!? WHAT! That is the most annoying part of any “free game”! LOL 🙂
I would go purchase a tablet if I were you…. or purchase 5 and give me the free one! LOL 🙂 We have an older Kid’s Fire Tab
and the kids like it…. plus it did not really get good reviews? Not sure why?