I had my stupid wordpress website hacked by a retard that can just run premade existing scripts… awesome! It actually happened a while ago and I didn’t mess with it. By the way dreamhost vps suck. Why I switched from whatever I had before to vps is beyond me? After I switched to dreamhost vps I got worse service and constant harassment about upgrades which I didn’t need! You can look at the logs and graphs and stuff so I don’t know what there problem is?
Okay back to my hacked site. Finding info about fixing your hacked site sucks… because everyone wants money to clean your site for you or there just being a douche in general. (So you know it must be easy.) Like this Brandon Kraft guy that uses the wordpress.org forum to make money…. which is fine I want money! (This site never made any large amounts of mad cash or any. But really with a comment like Brandy said above you know he is a douche!
Who reads new release crap? Don’t worry he also has a link to his personal and business site. Now you know why he posted 50 times in the same thread!
The only thing I never understand is why no one called out Brandy for being a douche!
ME: Brandon it’s not a High School dance…. get a new picture. Plus no one reads that crap… shut pie hole!
I don’t think Brandy or really any other of the wordpress sellers understand. It’s a platform that the majority of people use for “fun”. Or to build something FAST. It is super easy to use… you don’t need help unless something stupid happens. Then like EVERYONE suggests delete and start over…. great idea really…. that’s the FREE info! If you were going to use a platform to make money you wouldn’t use wordpress. But over the last couple years things have changed… but I still wouldn’t use wordpress. But I am also not ready for a High School dance…. I have been using Joomla for business things. Seems more legit for shopping carts and business things?
This was my elite script kiddie hack!
* Locus7s Modified c100 Shell
* Beta v. 1.0a – Project x2300
* Written by Captain Crunch Team
* Modified by Shadow & Preddy
* Re-Modified by #!physx^ (15.2.07)