It was my nephew’s birthday today and we went bowling. Why does everyone take the exact same pictures? Why can’t one person take pictures and share them?
How to Make Jello Shots?
Lincoln Lubrication Cordless Power Luber Grease Gun
Joel on Page 2
Check out Joel™s post on page 2. The link to page 2 is also at the top right of every page.
If you want to blog also, just let me know.
Fragramatics Manufacturing YouTube Channel
It looks like Fragramatics is starting a youtube channel but they only have 4 video uploaded right now. Might be a good thing to check out?
Google and Crop Circles
Google had “crop circles” as their feature search today and I had a record amount of people come to my site. What is interesting is that I only did 2 posts on crop circles but I guess people found my site. Around 2,343 unique people came to my site today which I usually get around 4,000 people a month normally.
If you do search for “crop circles alabama” I am on the front page: maybe people searched for that? Here are my great crop circle links.
Do you have lots of 5 gallon buckets?
You can make a wall out of all your 5 gallon buckets! I like the way it looks before the stucco is applied though.
David Bradburn over at came up with this idea.