Someone bashed in the timer.
Unloader problem? – Update
Car wash totaled out two cars – Update
The job is finally completed.
Armor All Tire Foam label change
Randy’s foam brush weep system
Randy's foam brush weep system is very similar to mine. But looks a lot better. The first picture is the full setup, nice and organized. The second picture is how he feeds his city water into each foam brush line. He installed the hose after the foamers (third picture). He also has a check valve to prevent the water from going back in the foamers. (My foamers are in the bays.) He is using a weep mizer and a nice solenoid and actually used conduit to the power supply. Nice clean job.
Hit and run?
Unloader problem?
No water was coming out of the high pressure gun, pressure gauge says 1250 psi. I am getting water out of the pump.
I believe the unloader (left picture) is not allowing high pressure to pass through. But the weep is not working either (right picture) and the weep is teed after the unloader.
Note: My high pressure weep does have a solenoid on the outlet to stop the flow when low pressure is in use. Which it cool, I did not test it though.