Now I know fist hand why there are "do not use cell phone" signs at gas stations. I was talking on my cell phone and for some reason got wet (gas). So I went inside the gas station, demanded to talk to the owner, demanded a full refund and a new full car detail. Wait a second…..that would be my customers. I just washed my hands.
Vacuum hose problem
Slugbuster III problem
Thanks Greg again
Greg gave me two more Fragramatic vacuum tops.
Rowe changer problem
This guy stole my garbage can lid – Arrest Warrant time
Well, I finally did it, I signed an arrest warrant. It took long enough, it happened on October 3, 2006.
I thought the arrest warrant wanted to visit the site of the crime, so the second picture was where the “Theft of property” happened. The third picture is the arrest warrant seeing what the garbage can lid felt like.
I wish I had all my garbage can lids. But ______ took one of mine because he needed gas money.
Hamilton changer problem
Weep system problem
Unloader problem? – Update
I completed the unloader replacement project. I need to replace the blue high pressure hose and the weep is not connected. My weep problem is because I cross threaded a crappy plastic connector. But the high pressure is very good.
I did have another problem with a high pressure tip. This was a new tip and was clogged or something. I am not sure.
This is the comparison between the two setups. Also, no project is complete with out this happening, everytime.
Broken camera
Well, my Canon PowerShot SD630 died today. Not sure how it happened, but that was fast. The error was "Lens error, restart camera", it is still under warranty so off to Canon.
Canon Factory Service, 1440 Chase Ave., Elk Grove Village, IL, 6007 1-800-828-4040