Halloween time


We had to go to Petsmart to the dog Halloween contest.  They got their pictures taken there.  It was so much fun if you were female.  There were no dog fights but Rocco (the devil dog) tried to start a couple.  Lola on the right is a bat.

Yea garbage man


It must have been the worse luck, about two or three weeks ago.  There was a car accident and then the garbage man put the dumpster on the car bumper and crap.  Today, the garbage man moved the dumpster and I got to throw the crap away.  Yea

Also, I found a brick "Grave Chemical B'Ham, AL".  It is worst lots of money.

Hamilton changer problems


The left acceptor needed to be reset.  The right acceptor works fine, but the bills get caught and do not get pulled correctly.  You insert your bill, the motor kicks on to pull the bill, and it will not pull the bill.  You have to move the bill around after the motor starts up.  I cleaned the acceptor and it still was messed up.