I had a Fragramatic vacuum problem which in theory could never happen, it has happen three times to me though. The stupid coin chute somehow jams with quarters. This is a picture of where it jammed from the bottom end.
It seems that somehow the quarters get caught on the side weld, but I have no clue.
It is just a pain getting the quarters out and getting the coin chute out of the vacuum is no fun.
Second time: http://cwguy.com//?p=594
First time: I stuck a hanger in to pull the jam out, bad idea. Next thing I knew I had a hanger stuck also.
I just started at a gas station that has one of these machines and they have the same problem. Was just wondering if you found a fix. and I also had a question about a jamb coin box . When I turn the key the lock just starts flopping around and takes forever to get it to lock again.(to remove the key) I thought it was a simple flip lock design but Im not sure never have seen the inside. When I unlock it I cant get the coin box out? I was just wondering if there is a hidden button or some trick to try before I get out the grinder and start grinding inside.