New equipment idea – Reran wax line today


Today, I reran the wax line.  (It is the closest line in the left picture.)  I moved the wax inside the high pressure soap tank.  Tomorrow, I will move the tire cleaner to the old wax tank.  Then have presoak inside the tire cleaner tank.  So if there is an overflow nothing harmful will be in the wax or high pressure soap tanks.

Wax problem


Wax problem from the other day.  I thought I got most of it down the drain but I obviously did not.  I ran water today and tried to get all of the blue wax off the floor.  It took forever but there is no blue on the equipment room floor now. 

Wax problem


When you get to your car wash and you see chemical seeping out of the building it is always bad.


I swapped to this foot valve yesterday because I am going to switch tanks and apparently it does not work.  The only thing I can think of is the foot valve started a suction and kept draining the tank.  This over flowed the chemical tank and cycled on then suction all the water out again and again.  Making a huge mess.  I cut a hole in the outlet of the hydrominder hose.  Which should prevent this from happening again.


X10 problem


I was having a problem with my X10 coin acceptor today.  It would work fine when I put money in.  But when customers put money in it would not work.  I reprogrammed the X10 and it seems to work fine now.  This is the same X10 I replaced the other day.