Hydrominder problem

Tire cleaner was running out the front of the equipment room.  Which is always great.  The hydrominder does not seem to bind or stick when I am there.  But I cleaned the out side of the valve on the hydrominder.  I hope it works.

Someone tried to kill my vacuum last night

Someone shot a gun into my equipment room.  They hit a spare vacuum in the room.  It dented the stainless steel.  That was not very nice.  If I knew who did it I would tattle tale to there parents.  Wait a minute.  Is this a bad sign?  I have a security system but I hate it.  I would have to relive the past 12 hours to maybe see what happened.

Vacuum motor problem

I ripped out one of the wires when I was changing out the brushes.  So I replaced the motor then I droped the old motor on the ground.  Then, I threw the old motor in the trash.

Vacuum motor problem?

The vacuum was not working correctly and I assumed that the motor needed to be replaced.  But it was still working and sparking.  It this okay or does this need to be replaced?  I have no clue so I am still using it.

There was a clog inside the vacuum.  I had to pull the hose out and clean it out.  This has never happened to me before.  I cleaned the vacuum out the other day and it was only half full so it was surprised.