Holding tank full


Today, my holding tank decided to backup. Greg, saved the day by explaining that the world was not ending. If I just moved some of the dirt in the tank I would have another week or so. So I dug out about a wheel barrel full of mud and blew out the tube and everything was okay. The mud filled about 90% of the tube and the water was very cold.

BAD Rowe problem


The worse thing that could happen. Both changers broken. One said "CK STACKER" I have gotten this message before when the stacker was bent. I inspected the stacker and everything seemed okay. So I reset and everything was okay. Second said "BUCKET POWER ON" I have gotten this message before also. I really do not know what this means but I checked the power and it was on so I reset and everything was okay.

Busted vendor


This guy walked down the street and stopped and turned in front of the vendor then though a brick at it.  Then just kept walking and went to buy something at the store.  Then walked through the wash again.  Never really inspecting the damage only from a far.