Conveyer length


From the end of the conveyer to the tunnel about 10 feet 6 inches.


From the end of the correlator to the tunnel about 8 feet 8 inches.

About 19 feet 2 inches outside the tunnel.

Tighten up the conveyer chain


Greg explained today how you can figure out if the chain needs to be tightened.  Apparently the Sonny's installers did not tighten it up correctly either time.  The first time the chain fell off.  Then they took out two links and still did not take enough out.  So sense the Sonny's installers got all there money Greg decided to fix the chain himself.

The picture to the right has an arrow indicating where the spring and the end of the bolt is.  You attach a come along on the chain then tighten.  This will compress the spring.  When the spring is about six inches down the bolt from the nut you figure out how many links to remove.  Then tighten the nut for safety reason.  Ours would not move so William removed the three links.  Greg says that when the spring gets within one inch of the nut then you need to remove some links.


Another Sonny's installer half install.  The flapper that counts the rollers counts each roller twice.


Greg tried to fix it but quickly figured out why they did the crappy install.  The brace is not high enough.


Greg accomplished all his goals for today.

Blower problem


The blower blew the motor starter today.  The blower motor starter is the bottom one.


I manually tested the blower and it worked after resetting the motor starter.