Ryko Code-A-Wash IV Manual…. Come and get it! :)


LOL Just kidding! 🙂

Why would Ryko publish their Code-A-Wash 4 Manual? or what every their entry unit is called? I forgot the name of the thing which I OWN! 🙂

I actually called Ryko they said they do not have it in PDF format… BUT I can purchase it! I think it was $50-100? NICE! 🙂 Why would they put it online?

Also what really bugs me is on their website they state under “Ryko Advantage” “Proprietary Technology”? WHAT! Shouldn’t customers demand the exact opposite? If the Car Wash industry demanded better standard products maybe we would have products like the vending industry? With interchangeable parts? With DEX and MDB? Instead we have dumb proprietary stuff and expensive proprietary parts and are enslaved to one vendor like a sucker sucked into the sales pitch…. the end 🙂

Yeah I don’t have my own products! After looking at the swipe and clean though I should have made one. 🙂 But I can have my own options for now. The full service controller companies are the worse with over priced stuff. But the market is just so small.