Rube Goldberg weep system


My Dixmore Weep Mizer DX1000 is not working correctly.  I tested the Weep Mizer in my other wash Wylam and it would not turn on the solenoid.  So I decided to wire a normally closed solenoid to the heater thermostat.  This plan involved purchasing a Rain Bird (CP-075) irrigation solenoid, of course this solenoid runs off 24 volts.  So I needed a 24 volt transformer to convert the 120 volts to 24 volts.  I then used an extension cable to wire the system.  Then magic everything works.

When I was trying to rewire the thermostat I ended up having to rewire the thermostat.  I always love side projects.

Hack the toilet paper holder


Someone sent me these picture or either I had a bad stomach ache today.  I used my Abus dumpster key to open the toilet paper holder.  Just pull on the black plastic piece while jabbing each tab.  Not quite sure why you would want to do this though?  Thanks for sending this in, anonymous person, or a special thanks to that spicy burrito from last night.