Foam brush mystery leak


I do not understand how foam brush chemical got all over the place.  My theory is a push lock fitting is bad.  When in use 3 of the 5 seems to be too far out.  I have no idea.  Let me know?

Upgrade my Geovision GV800 card from 6.05 to 8.01 to 7.05


My DVD burner is broken so I had to use my trusty 2gb memory stick, only took about 30 minutes.  I download the Geovision Surveillance software over the internet at home and transfer it from my memory stick.  I tried to install version 8.01, which installed just fine you could not see any video feeds though.  I then tried 7.05 and it worked great.  I like the new enhancements.  I guess if I use my “Sig Key” dongle maybe I can install version 8.01?