How to fix an outside water faucet / hose bib when it leaks?


The faucet was leaking water when the water was supposed to be off.  I unscrewed the faucet piece thing (as shown).  Notice the washer is totally chewed up (this house is only 3 years old kind of weird).  But maybe someone exchanged their broken one with ours?


Our faucet used a 1/4L flat faucet washer.  A side note:  when trying to screw the piece back in, make sure the knob is not in the off position.  This will cause the piece not to fit.

How to kill yellow jackets?


First I tried Armor All Wheel Cleaner.  You spray the tire cleaner on the yellow jacket and when the yellow jacket has to land, smash it with the Armor All bottle.  This method is really not the best but it is effective (I have a picture to prove it).


Second I tried LA’s Totally Awesome Orange All Purpose Degreaser and Spot Remover.  This method was pretty good.  You spray it on a yellow jacket and the orange smell kills the bug.  It seemed to also deter other yellow jackets from the area where I sprayed the crap.  Also, it removes grease (I did not test this though).

Garbage day


You know when you have to drag your garbage out to the road so the garbage truck will pick it up?  Just imagine if you lived next to a burnt down house and you could just dump your garbage there, cool!  That is exactly what the next door neighbor did with this bag of garbage and probably filled up the whole house with his garbage.  The next picture is a broken chair not as exciting.